Evan and I are both Colorado natives and incredibly fortunate to still live close to our families. As luck would have it, my Dad is an extremely generous and patient man and invited Evan and I, our dog, Dudley, and a box or two of our things (or 20 and a couch) to stay at his house while our new one was being built.
It's been a great solution for us as we're not only able to save a boat load of money, but it also gives us a built-in dog-sitter (more on that later) and, most importantly, time to hang out with my Dad.
The downside is downsizing from a 1,700 sq. ft. townhome to a bedroom, bathroom and shared living space (albeit, downside is a relative term considering we have no bills and unlimited wine). We're a little ... cramped, which is leading to daydreaming. Lots of daydreaming. Too much daydreaming.
We've furnished, refurnished and re-refurnished our great room at least 10 times on paper; countless times in our minds. We're fortunate to be able to buy all new furniture for a couple rooms in our house (more on that later too), but our lack of space has somehow brought on indecision and as we're holed up in our bedroom we keep vacillating between this coffee table and that couch, or this couch and that coffee table.
It's not that we don't have time to finalize these decisions, but I feel like we're living in some decorator's version of "Groundhog Day" and we'll get so sick of trying to make a decision that we won't, and our great room will consist of a whole lotta "great" nothin'.
At least there's always Pinterest.